Emily Litten is a designer inspired by nature. The way that ecosystems thrive on diversity, as well as the individual qualities of plants and animals which inhabit the earth, are important influences on her work. A deep connection to nature and a strong sense of empathy are at the forefront of her design practice. Emily’s design work explores many subjects, mediums, and methods; whatever best serves the project at hand. She aims to share these insights in the classroom by encouraging her drawing students to find their own style and voice to best communicate and develop their own unique ideas.
Emily has studied furniture design in Copenhagen, Denmark, and pieces from a project titled ‘Stone Houses’, a collection of handmade ceramic bird houses, are part of the permanent collection of Boisbuchet in Lessac, France.
Awards, Honors, & Publications
Boisbuchet Permanent Collection - selected project, Stone Houses, 2022
IDA - Silver Award 2021, ISLA for Cumberland, Koz Susani Design
Neocon Metropolis Likes - Winner 2020, ISLA for Cumberland, Koz Susani Design
Compasso D’Oro ADI - Winner 2020, Enel X JuicePole, Koz Susani Design
Core77 Design Awards - Notable 2019, Enel X JuicePole, Koz Susani Design
BOOOOOOOM Photography Feature 2017
Photographer’s Forum - Competition Finalist 2015